Research Design and Communication Workshop Series

RDC Workshop Series

Embark on a journey of scientific discovery and effective communication

Designed for both aspiring researchers and seasoned scientists, this series delves into the intricacies of performing impactful research and conveying its significance to diverse audiences. Uncover the art of formulating research questions, designing rigorous methodologies, and interpreting results with precision. Simultaneously, master the art of clear and compelling science communication, honing skills in crafting engaging narratives, designing visual aids, and delivering presentations that resonate. Our workshop series provides a dynamic platform to cultivate expertise in research design and the art of sharing scientific insights.

The series is designed for students, staff, and postdocs within the CSB.

Each workshop consists of tutorial videos and an interactive discussion with Center faculty on a given topic.

Navigating Research in Synthetic Biology

Instructors: XX

Identifying grand challenges in synthetic biology, research forecasting, effective ways of reading literature, and coming up with research ideas

The Project Phase of Research: Design, Build, Test, Learn

Instructors: XX

Implementing hypothesis-driven experimental design. Understanding data collection, statistical significance, data interpretation, reproducibility, using models, and reformulating hypotheses

Effective Data Visualization

Instructors: XX

Constructing high-impact figures from collected data

Managing the Research Process: From Project to Publish

Instructors: XX

Transitioning from exploratory research to framing a manuscript, curating data for publication, project management, collaboration, and authorship

Sharing Knowledge: Presentations & Networking

Instructors: XX

Developing presentations for scientific audiences, elevator pitches for short interactions, and best practices for networking at conferences